Workshop Submission is closed.

Beyond All Limits 2018 Organizing Committee strongly encourages all experts and leading researchers in their research fields to propose workshops within the scope of the conference. Workshops will be a great opportunity to increase interactive communication, networking and idea exchange.

Organizing Committee invites workshops on varied topics within the scope of the themes.

All workshop proposals are encouraged to have a multidisciplinary approach, aiming participants from varied research fields.

Before starting your proposal preparation, please read this guideline in detail and then fill in the workshop proposal form and submit your proposal from the Beyond All Limits 2018 website. The application to run a workshop should be completed by the workshop organizer and the completed form should be submitted via the congress website under Workshop Submissions.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Timuçin HARPUTLUGİL, Çankaya University
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Claudio GAMBARDELLA, Universita Degli Studi Della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
Prof. Dr. Pieter de WILDE, University of Plymouth

Congress Chairs